Cross Border
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Road Traffic Automatic Supervision Centre (CANARD) is part of the General Inspectorate of Road Transport responsible for the management of the petty offences' automatic registration system in Poland.
CANARD discloses violations of some applicable traffic regulations with the help of:
- fixed vehicle and their temporary speed registration devices,
- devices for a section-based measurement of the speed of registered vehicles and their average speed calculated on the basis of the time necessary for crossing the controlled road section,
- mobile devices installed in vehicles, registering vehicles and their temporary speed,
- devices registering vehicles not observing the light signalisation on road crossings.
An effect of the devices' work includes the registration of offences in the form of photographs containing, among others, the time and location of the event, the image of the vehicle along with its registration number, the registered speed and the speed permitted in this place. The information constitutes a basis for commencing explanatory actions.
During the realisation of a traffic control, CANARD utilises only devices that possess the type approval issued by the President of the Central Office of Measures and a current legalisation certificate, which entails that the said devices meet requirements set out in the resolution of the Minister of Economy of 17th February 2014 on requirements that should be met by devices for vehicle speed measurements in the traffic and a detailed scope of tests and verifications performed during a legal metrological control of such measurement devices (Dz.U. of 2019, item 1081). They are fully adjusted to work in Polish climate conditions and they possess the function of an automatic switch off in the moment of an excess of threshold values for certain atmospheric phenomena. The installation of all the devices has been performed by appropriately trained persons and pursuant to all guidelines of the photo-radars' producer (e.g., concerning the device setting angle). All photographs taken by photo-radars belonging to the Inspection are processed exclusively by employees of the General Inspectorate of Road Transport duly authorised to do so, after they are sent to the Road Traffic Automatic Supervision Centre. While conducting control activities, the Road Transport Inspection acts on the basis and within limits of the law, including among others the scope defined by provisions of the Road Traffic Law of 20 June 1997 (Dz.U. of 2023, item 1047), the law of 24 August 2001 - the Petty Offences Procedure Code (Dz.U. of 2022, item 1124 as amended), as well as the resolution Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of the 23 November 2022 on the offenses for which inspectors of the Road Transport Inspection and employees of the General Inspectorate of Road Transport are entitled to impose by means of penelty ticets (Dz.U. of 2022, item 2467).
A photograph with the recorded petty offence shall be sent in a digital way to the CANARD system, where it shall undergo the image analysis process. A summons for the vehicle owner with a request to indicate the person who has exceeded the speed is generated on the basis of the read registration number.
The vehicle owner shall be able to choose one out of 2 options in the received form:
Variant I - to be filled in by the person who was driving the vehicle in the moment of committing the offence;
Variant II - to be filled in by the vehicle owner/user, indicating the driver or another user of the vehicle;
Having sent back the form of the Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego, ul. Przyczółkowa 109A, 02-968 Warszawa, Poland, the system shall generate a penal ticket which shall be sent to the mailing address of the person who had committed the offence.
A simplified scheme of the ticketing procedure is presented below.
- Taking a photo by the device
- The photo reaches the IT system
- A statement is sent to the vehicle owner to be filled in.